Sarah Drake

Dip SW
BABICM Registered Practitioner Case Manager



Areas Covered:

South West


Spinal Injury
Brain Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Neurological Diseases
Respiratory Diseases
Palliative Care
Behavioural & Learning Difficulty


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  • University of Bradford Diploma in Social Work (1996)
  • BA (Hons) in Applied Social Studies
  • University of West of England MSc in Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care (2015)
  • Registered Social Worker in England and Wales
  • British Association of Social Work Membership (BASW)
  • BABICM Membership
  • IOSH Managing Safely Training (January 2023)


Sarah has over 30 years’ experience in the Social Care Sector and has worked constantly as a Social Worker since 1998. Sarah has worked in residential and day care services for older persons and adults with learning and physical disabilities and sensory loss.

Sarah has held roles within adults and children services and is experienced in the following areas:

  • Child Protection and Looked After Children
  • Coordination of hospital discharge from acute and non-acute settings
  • Rehabilitation and Intermediate Care (young people aged 18 – 25)
  •  Acute and Crisis Response to meet urgent and changing needs.

Sarah has an excellent working knowledge of all relevant legislation for Social Care and Human Rights. She is experienced in completing Care Act Assessments in a holistic person-centred manner, utilising the individuals’ strengths and systems around them. 

Sarah has considerable experience within Adult’s and Children’s Safeguarding, carrying out Continuing Health Care and Mental Capacity Assessments and supporting related best interest decisions. Sarah is experienced in giving evidence in Court, having successfully made applications to the Court of Protection and Family Courts.  As well as Chairing MARACs and MAPPA attendance, Sarah has experience of authorising Deprivations of Liberty on behalf of the Local Authority.

Within her independent practice Sarah developed her knowledge and practice around FII (Fabricated and Induced Illness) and Perplexing Presentations.

Sarah has a passion for rehabilitation focused services and thrives on supporting her clients to regain skills and abilities, learned skills and reach their goals.

As a case manager, Sarah has considerable experience of multi-disciplinary working recognising that a strong team around an individual leads for better outcomes for all involved. Sarah is passionate about ensuring that individuals are supported to identify and live the lives they choose and that they are involved in all aspects of their care and the planning of this. Whilst recognising that doing so can be daunting and that everyone needs support at times.  Sarah has considerable experience of positive risk taking and ensures individuals are supported to take risks. This includes when they may not have the mental capacity to understand the implications of doing so.  

Sarah maintains her clinical skills and CPD by attending events,  personal reading, training and study days, peer supervision and reflection on her practice. She is a committed individual with excellent time management skills, always striving to do the best for her clients. Sarah has completed the CCMS Pathway for development of case managers.

Sarah can provide case management for the following clients:

  • Spinal injuries all levels (Paediatric and Adult)
  • Traumatic Brain injury (Paediatric Young Adults and Adults)
  • Cerebral Palsy (Paediatric and Adult)
  • Stroke
  • Progressive Neurological Diagnoses
  • Respiratory and Cardiac Diagnoses
  • Palliative care
  • Learning and Physical Disabilities (Paediatric and Adult)
  • Elderly care.
  • Dementia care.
  • Orthopaedic Injuries (Paediatric and Adult)
  • Amputees (Paediatric and Adult)
  • Adults and Young People who lack mental capacity
  • Transitional assessments for those moving from Children’s to Adult’s Services
  • Best Interest Decisions and Determinations
  • EHCP and SEN


Sarah loves her role as aunty, and also enjoys the title of honorary aunty to many others around her. Sarah’s passion is people, she is always out and about and, on the go and is usually willing to try anything!

Sarah’s other loves include being by the sea, visiting new places, live sport, musicals, music festivals, eating out with friends and one of her biggest aims is to have a dog again one day.

© Community Case Management Services Limited