Working Through Covid-19

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The outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK this year has forced many businesses including CCMS Ltd to make signigicant changes and adapt the way in which we deliver our services daily during these unprecedented times.  

We have taken strict measures to ensure that client visits can resume and increase over the coming months in accordance with Government advice.  Whilst lockdown measures begin to ease slowly, our stance on social distancing and the need for caution will not falter.

We have now established our 'new normal' and we have the checks and processes in place in order to provide support safely  to our clients, case managers, support workers and office staff.

We set out below how we are continuing to deliver our services keeping our clients at the heart of everything we do.

Prior to a client visit, our case managers will complete a self-risk assessment which documents their own health, where they have visited in the last 14 days and who they have been in contact with. This will then be risk assessed carefully prior to any face to face meeting to ensure they are not showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

Our case managers will also ask their clients, any support workers and or family members that will be present at the time of the meeting to complete a similar form the morning of the visit.

All face to face meetings will be held outside whenever possible and case managers will adhere to the strict social distancing guidelines.  Every case manager will wear the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and change their clothes after every visit. Suitable PPE can also be provided to our clients should they request this prior to the visit.

We are extremely proud of our case managers and specifically our clients’ support workers who  have shown incredible dedication as they continue to support our clients affected by catastrophic injury. In these times of uncertaintly, we have seen many  innovative ways in which our case managers and our clients’ support workers continue to keep clients engaged wether this is through organising therapy remotely or volunteering their spare time to host virtual bingo nights, exercise classes, discos, quizzes, art and cooking classes.

© Community Case Management Services Limited